Within the scope of the law, companies with more than 1 million users will notify the Information Technologies and Communications Authority and will then be required to have a representative within 30 days. If companies do not fulfill their obligations, an administrative fine of 10 million lira will be imposed first, and if payment is not made, a second penalty of 30 million lira will be imposed.
The obligations arising from the new law are as follows:
– Social media organizations must have representatives in Turkey.
– They have 30 days to fulfill this obligation.
– Gradual penalties will be imposed on companies that do not assume their responsibilities.
– Those who do not pay the 10 million lira penalty within 30 days will receive a second penalty of 30 million lira.
– If the obligations are not completed, an advertising ban will be applied.
– If companies do not take action within 3 months, internet speeds will be reduced and internet traffic bandwidth will be narrowed.
– If a representative is not appointed within 30 days, the internet speed may be reduced for up to 90 days.
– Social networks that do not fulfill their obligations will progress slowly, and messages and videos will be delivered late.

Stage Media
01-01-1970 02:00:00